Tabloids suck. I concede that’s a something of a biased statement and there are a select few who’s reporting is honest and just but, for the majority, the shoe fits. I wanted to change the narrative of what I was reading, reinterpreting the already incongruent headlines to create alternative reality where the pessimistic attitude has not permeated through societal responses. In the wake of a brexit shocked Britain, in which tabloid media’s presence was abundantly apparent, I began to explore the reasons behind the deciding vote. The main cause seemed to be a desire to have greater powers over migration laws. Investigating the Tabloids stance on immigration allowed me to understand the animosity they had been nurturing within their pages. The images you see were all inspired by slanderous statements made by a certain publication that rhymes with “The Fun”. They were all originally written to paint migrants in a poor light, souring the relationship between the British people and those who need our help the most. I hope these reimagined variants provide space to see that tabloids’ negative agendas are, in reality, just words on a page.